Bro Taf Health Authority - Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust
There are no hospitals in Penarth however there are 3 main hospitals
nearby: Llandough Hospital, Barry Hospital and The University Hospital
of Wales in Cardiff. The all of them being part of the Cardiff and
Vale NHS Trust which is run by the Bro Taf health authority.
The Bro Taf health authority was established in 1996 after a major reorginisation of the heath authorities in
It is estimated that the Bro Taf region has a population of three quarters
of a million. Making it the largest heath authority
in Wales in terms of population but the smallest in terms of geographical
The Bro Taf health authority covers Cardiff, the Vale of Glamorgan, Rhondda Cynon
Taf and Merthyr areas.
Taf Health Authority
Lansdowne Hospital
Sanatorium Rd, Cardiff
Telephone: 029 2030 3990